
My Next Book

Look for my latest book later this month or early November.

Fail to Vote, Pay a Fine

As we Americans approach another presidential election, we might take a trip into the distant past. A time before there was a United States, the era of British colonies. Many of the colonies had mandatory voting laws. A qualified voter who did not show up at the polls on Election Day was often punished.* He […]

Next Book Coming Soon

Hi all:  I’ve been feverishly working on my next book. Hope to have it available in September. That is why I have been absent from several postings. In the meantime, as this year’s political campaigns heat up and candidates vie for your vote, I recommend you read my book “President You” to get some ideas […]

What is an American?

… What then is the American, this new man? … hence that strange mixture of blood, which you will find in no other country… He is an American, who, leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives … the new mode of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys, and the […]

No One Else Can Syndrome

The ‘No One Else Can’ syndrome is a malady specific to human beings. Every person will eventually manifest, or has already exhibited, the symptoms of this ailment. It is simply the intellectual acceptance and certitude by an individual that no one can perform better than he or she. Consequently, that person remains in their occupation […]

The Fight for Freedom, Independence, and Liberty – It Continues Today

From 1775 to 1783, liberty revering, independent minded, ordinary people accomplished an unheard of, unimaginable feat—a revolution which defeated the globe’s mightiest army and forced that world’s greatest empire to negotiate. Then, in 1787, many of those same revolutionaries created something exceptional: a Constitution that rejected violence as a means to change government and codified […]

National Flag Week

This week is National Flag Week, a time to honor, respect, and display our country’s iconic symbol, the Stars and Stripes. I will do so on Flag Day, June 14. In recognition of National Flag Week, it is important to learn of other flags created and flown during the Revolutionary War, before the thirteen colonies […]