President You

5-Star Reviews on Amazon!!!

On retirement, most Americans hope to travel, pursue hobbies, dote on grandchildren and just enjoy life. Augustus Lincoln Treatise has a different dream: to solve some of America’s thorniest problems by becoming President of the United States. Not surprising, his wife and grown children react with disbelief. His vision of change persuades them – and to everyone’s surprise, he wins the national election.

As president, he introduces bold new strategies to eliminate the national debt, create new jobs, and reduce traditional influence peddling. Many of his unexpected proposals prevail. Even when they don’t, his willingness to dismantle partisan boundaries and rethink outworn traditions revitalizes the presidency and the nation it serves.

President You reaffirms that “ordinary” citizens can have a profound impact on the life of our nation and, by extension, the world. Whether or not you’ve ever wondered what you would do if you were President of the United States – and even if you disagree with some of Augustus’ initiatives, – President You will get you thinking about the role and responsibilities of the national government, the issues that affect our collective and individual lives, and the power of each and every citizen to make enduring change.

It couples an engaging fictional narrative with a factual and impeccably researched exploration of presidential decision-making, the legislative structure and process, and the challenges that face America today.

Offering bonus extras including a reference list and reader questions, its ideal for both book-group discussion and individual reading.

President You is a powerfully written, masterful story that does not push any particular agenda; it is well-researched and stimulates creative thinking.

Hundreds Sold all across the U.S.    An interesting read.    A wonderful example of the “Shows, not Tells” maxim. 

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Reviews Submitted By Readers

If only ALT (Augustus Lincoln Treatise) Was Running for President in 2020!!

Reviewed By: Daniel P.
Williams weaves a masterful story that expresses what most Americans would love to see happen in real life. Based upon Williams’ real-life experiences in government, he includes many perplexing and frustrating situations involving bureaucracy and big corporate interests that you want to just retire to Italy and raise goats! But then Augustus Lincoln Treatise steps in to bring about positive changes that restore common sense in government. As much as possible, that is. No one man or woman can turn around the bloated, largely self-serving government quickly. It’s just not possible. But HOPE is what keeps human beings going, and that is the message of this wonderful book!

Very interesting, thought-provoking read.

Reviewed By: Craig
Great book!

Delightfully Sensible!

Reviewed By: Amazon Reader
A breath of fresh air! After being subjected to “Constitutional experts” in the media for the past few years, delving into this was a welcome respite. The amount of knowledge and genuine insights found in this book was impressive. I’m a retired educator and for 20 years somehow found myself teaching US Govt. to adult and secondary students. Aside from having to brush up on my own knowledge of civics at the outset, one stumbling block one faces is always how best to present course material. How does one make the topics accessible and relevant to students? The approach the author devised in this book, utilizing Augustus Treatise and his unlikely election as POTUS, is a very effective format. It enables the reader to consider firsthand the vast range of problems faced by our government through the years and then the novel solutions Augustus attempts. In this way, I thought this book to be a wonderful example of the “show not tell” maxim. The assessment and methods Augustus uses to find solutions as the Chief Executive and “right the ship” are based on common sense — to such an extent, one has to wonder about the insane alternatives that have somehow prevailed. For me, this mindset was reminiscent of reading Mark Twain’s observations. In this overall question of “how are men to be governed,” the author gives a detailed history behind many issues as part of examining how to go forward. Another lesson in how it helps to probe the past and how we arrived here. In addition, many problems in government were brought to my attention that had simply never occurred to me. The book also has sprinkled throughout a nice amount of comic relief in the way of anecdotal details and even a hilarious illustration of political correctness carried to the extreme and its devastating effect on card games. Overall, a refreshing lesson on several levels. Highly recommended!