No One Else Can Syndrome

The ‘No One Else Can’ syndrome is a malady specific to human beings. Every person will eventually manifest, or has already exhibited, the symptoms of this ailment. It is simply the intellectual acceptance and certitude by an individual that no one can perform better than he or she. Consequently, that person remains in their occupation or station beyond their mental or physical ability, sometimes with deleterious effects.

Many know of the elderly woman who drives a car despite exhibiting delayed reactions. Others have watched an unsteady man climb ladders and clean out gutters. Co-workers have dealt with irrational associates’ bouts of explosive comments. Teammates recognize once skillful sports enthusiasts who play beyond their youthful physicality.

The ‘No One Else Can’ syndrome is especially prevalent in politicians; there are numerous examples. The out of order individual denies any state of confusion or reduced mastery exists. Enablers too often lend credence to that mistaken belief. At times, the individual is cognizant and cogent. In other situations, that same person is befuddled and discombobulated.

It takes intestinal fortitude to convince the ailing personality their time is past. It takes moral courage and self-sacrifice to acknowledge the affliction and extricate oneself.

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