family history

Family History

Last blog, I mentioned my aunt passing away. Over the last couple of weeks, I have been diligently sorting through her family genealogy records my cousin sent me. Many of the items were photographs of family reunions and 50th wedding anniversaries. Of note were letters my grandmother wrote to one of my aunts back in the […]


Recently, my last and youngest surviving aunt of my nearly three dozen uncles and aunts passed away. She was the most prolific collector of family history and genealogy. My cousins sent me three boxes containing many of her family records, letters, and photographs: mostly pertaining to my mom, dad, brother, and me. I have been […]


Sign stating rattlesnake area

Why was the word “Rattlesnake” important to my dad? As we get older, two things tend to happen. The stories we tell get bigger and better, and our memories tend to fade. The booklet “My Life in Lists” is a great way to capture your life. Not as a diary or journal but filled with […]