Bureaucrat Mode

At the beginning of every new calendar year, I make time in January and February to close out the old calendar year. By necessity, the process includes ensuring all that has changed the prior year is updated for use in the next. The result of my actions provides readiness for the annual nemesis – April 15th.

This year was exceedingly more challenging. It required updating my estate plan, as well. It had been five years since my last review and several items had changed. Significantly, I got into “Bureaucrat Mode” and read, in great detail, my entire legal packet. What I found was very interesting.

Even though earlier I had taken great pains to insure my intentions, in portions what I thought the Will meant did not mean what I thought it meant. So, this year, with my Will plastered with sticky notes and questions, I met with my attorney and conducted a thorough evaluation and discussion. The goal – every goal in such matters – is to insure all intentions are consistent.

As has often been stated, “‘tis impossible to be sure of any thing but Death and Taxes.” (Toby Guzzle, in Christopher Bullock (1716), The Cobbler of Preston, p. 21). This was my year to prepare for those eventualities.

Photo by FORTYTWO on Unsplash

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