Old Computers

One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to get rid of all my old computers and outdated technology. I have four options – throw away, recycle, donate, or some combination. Before I take any action in that regard, I want to crank up the machines, extract, and eliminate any personal information. Especially, since two of the systems belonged to my dad.

I began with the oldest device first; my dad’s 1980’s Dell computer with DOS commands and 5-1/4 inch Floppies, a Packard Bell monitor, and an Epson Dot-Matrix printer that uses perforated paper. Yes, they all still worked. After removing family genealogy, I donated the hardware and some Floppies to a business that teaches the evolution of computers, printers, software, and discs.

My second system is a 1990s AT&T 486 computer with monitor and printer. Its software is a combination DOS and Windows. It has both a Floppy port as well as uses 3-1/2 inch diskettes. Included is Word Perfect 2.0. It turns on, but does not project to the monitor. It is at a self-employed computer repair shop. The hard part was finding a person who was willing to work with that old machine.

The third system is my dad’s early 2000 Compaq Presario, with monitor, IJ 600 printer, and Windows Millennium Edition software. It uses both 3-1/2 inch diskettes and CDs. Dad had it repaired and modified several times; and it now contains PAGIS software. Fortunately, it still works. Unfortunately, its software cannot read some of the newer programs. Add to that, it is non-wifi, the printer is broken, and my only other functioning printer is wifi only. Dad did hook up, and I still have, his functioning PrimaScan Colorado 2400 Scanner. Until I can check my later model computers, I do not want to get rid of this outdated but functioning, system – even with its limitations.

System 4 is my Compaq Presario 5000 Series with AMD Athlon Processor and MD940 Monitor. It has USB ports in addition to CD and Diskette access. The hard drive is corrupted and has been removed for repair, recovery of files and operating system. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Number 5 is a 2800 Series e-Machine loaded with Windows XP. Unfortunately, it will not turn on whatsoever. Hopefully, I can get it fixed. Or, at least remove the hard drive and check it out before disposal. I also have a Hewlett-Packard 952C printer – it doesn’t work either.

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