Cats and Cancer

From the time I was a child up to my first few years of marriage, my family possessed cats and dogs. Back then, the only time one of our animals saw a veterinarian was to get its annual rabies shot. Our animals passed away for three reasons; old age, hit by a car, or ran […]
Life Story Book Services

The spry ninety-year-old volunteer revealed she was a Rosie-the-Riveter who assembled airplane engines during World War II. Something she never told her children. Local news often highlights a senior citizen’s amazing accomplishments to the awe and wonderment of his or her grandchildren, who never knew. A middle-aged man mentioned he had sorted through his life […]
Bureaucrat Mode

At the beginning of every new calendar year, I make time in January and February to close out the old calendar year. By necessity, the process includes ensuring all that has changed the prior year is updated for use in the next. The result of my actions provides readiness for the annual nemesis – April […]
Busy as a Bee – January Book Sale and Signing

My writer’s imagination creates the idea that many of you, like me, have been very busy the past few weeks. One with the air travels fiasco. Another is the more pleasant celebration of holidays with family and friends. A third may be closing out 2022 and getting ready for 2023, especially, if you own and […]
Book Signing and Sale

Here I am at last week’s Local Author Event hosted by The Green Door Book Store and Gift Shoppe. I met other authors and publishers and interacted with booklovers. The added benefit was the opportunity to discuss my books, and sold a few.
Why and What to Write – Part V

This is the last installment of my ‘Why and What to Write’ series. Authors express themselves through the art of writing. Early stories were epistles in the form of cuneiform, Linear B impressed into clay tablets, and hieroglyphics on papyrus. Eventually, words were created and written using the inventions of paper, feather quills dipped into […]
Why and What to Write – Part IV

In today’s digital world, does anyone write love letters? Let alone keep them? Are romantic correspondences preserved, or deleted? Do amorous episodes get cached, or purged? Are such records of events retained or lost in the dustbin of history? Archivists possess the letters John Adams wrote to Abigail. Robert E. Lee’s letters to his family […]

I take the opportunity at this time of year to thank all of you who purchased my books, and to those readers who wrote and posted positive reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. I thank everyone who has visited my website or joined me on Facebook and LinkedIn. I give thanks to all who have helped […]
Library and Park Events

For those of you in the greater Kansas City Metropolitan area, I will conduct two book signing events. First, on Saturday, 17 September, at the Indian Creek Library, Olathe, Kansas, 2:00 – 3:00 pm. The library will give away two of my signed and numbered books. Others will be for sale at $15 each. For […]
All Wet Publishing on Social Media

We are now on Facebook and LinkedIn! I invite you to connect and follow me on either platform. Featured Photo by Pixabay: