
Time with Tom

Hello Everyone! Welcome to my blog – Time with Tom.

Here you’ll find a wide range of articles, including news updates, book signing events, commentary, and more.

Henry O. Flipper

February is Black History Month. It is a time to acknowledge the accomplishments and achievements African-Americans have contributed to the fabric of our nation’s culture,

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My Three Books

Reduced Pricing for 2024! I have written or edited and published the three books shown. “President You” is political in nature, “Letters to a G.I.”

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“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” — George Santayana. Martin Luther King, Jr. was considered by some a danger to

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MLK Said

The past four years, the country has been subjected to civil unrest, not so peaceful protests, some say riots, from many quarters of American and

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Well, here we are at the beginning of another presidential election year. A time when politicians will inundate us with requests for our vote while

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Happy Holidays

Wishing you cozy sweaters and warm mittens during the Christmas season and every happiness in the New Year. Tom Card shown was Handcrafted by Judy

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