Tom Williams

SOTU – A Different Annual Message

Now that President Biden’s State of the Union address has been dissected and both praised and denounced ad nauseam, below is a version by my fictional President Augustus Lincoln Treatise: “Breaking once again with more than 110 years of tradition, within a few days after his election, Mr. Treatise gave his first State of the […]

Malcolm X

As Black History Month comes to a close, here is the last installment recognizing the accomplishments and achievements of African-Americans who contributed to the fabric of our nation’s culture, society, and civilization. These thoughts are presented from one black historical figure, Malcolm X, who had interesting perspectives stating, “The liberal element of Whites are those […]

Booker T. Washington (part 2)

February is Black History Month is that time every year to acknowledge the accomplishments and achievements African-Americans contributed to the fabric of our nation’s culture, society, and civilization. In celebration, a few thoughts are presented from black historical figures who have interesting perspectives. For this week, Booker T. Washington offers,

Booker T. Washington

As I mentioned last week, February is Black History Month and a time to acknowledge the accomplishments and achievements African-Americans have contributed to the fabric of our nation’s culture, society, and civilization. In celebration, a few thoughts are presented from black historical figures who have interesting perspectives. This week’s comment is from Booker T. Washington, […]

Henry O. Flipper

February is Black History Month. It is a time to acknowledge the accomplishments and achievements African-Americans have contributed to the fabric of our nation’s culture, society, and civilization. In celebration, a few thoughts are presented from black historical figures who have interesting perspectives. For this week’s entry, Henry O. Flipper wrote,  “Now in these recent […]

My Three Books

Reduced Pricing for 2024! I have written or edited and published the three books shown. “President You” is political in nature, “Letters to a G.I.” is romantic, and “My Life in Lists” is a self-help type. All are available on Amazon or order from your favorite bookstore. For more information and to purchase visit my […]


“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” — George Santayana. Martin Luther King, Jr. was considered by some a danger to the status quo of 1960s segregated United States. Bigoted, racist, xenophobe Americans engaged in a multi-year, political dirty tricks, legal shenanigans, negative media, campaign to discredit his writings, disrupt his […]

MLK Said

The past four years, the country has been subjected to civil unrest, not so peaceful protests, some say riots, from many quarters of American and international societies. I prefer to view MLK’s thoughts below from the perspective of a larger world, if not Gandhi, perspective. Perhaps, on this holiday, people should focus on the sage […]


Well, here we are at the beginning of another presidential election year. A time when politicians will inundate us with requests for our vote while making promises they cannot, or will not, keep — the very same promises that got them elected in the first place, for some as far back as 30+ years ago. […]